ONE88 will be undergoing a metamorphosis in December this year. As we get closer we will keep you updated.

Intensive Drum Workshop - July 2024


Birthing a drum is an incredibly powerful process. It is a journey within where you have an opportunity to witness, to receive insights with clarity, to deepen your understanding on how you navigate your internal and external worlds. It also provides us with the tool of the drum, to work with whilst we are traversing our own individual journeys.

The rhythm of the drum beat need not be complicated, you need no musical background. Just the simple creation of a heart beat can help regulate your nervous system, bring you into a moment of sacredness around prayer or meditation. You can use it in song, or to take you on a journey if you so choose to use it in that way. That is the beauty of the drum - it can be utilised in whichever way you choose.

Drums (specifically hand drums) have been around across all cultures for millennia. They were prominent pre-Christian instruments along with the tambourine and sistrum in the worship of the goddess. A book worthy of reading is When the Drummers were Women by Layne Redmond, who has explored and documented the global cultural history of the drum.

As part of the drum making workshop we will be connecting to the makers birth story.  There are a series of questions that each participant will be asked to journal around in the lead up to the workshop. Paying attention to dreams, random thoughts, all can become relevant in the drum making process.

The first day begins with a welcome circle and then we take part in a sound healing to assist in dropping in to the creative, intuitive space. Participants are then guided to stencil and cut out their drum from raw hide.

An effective way to process societal conditioning is through play, so we will spend the afternoon with Emily Cooper from Hands, Heart and Feet. Emily utilises West African drums and has a wonderful light and energy which helps alter the beliefs/fears that we might have surrounding our ability to 'play' the drum.

On day two we begin with a movement/yoga workshop to loosen our bodies up in preparation for birthing the drum. Participants are then guided on the process of making the drum. Whilst birthing the drum, participants will be supported by Shar and Vic as well as a local Therapist. Whilst it is not a therapy session, lots of thoughts can arise during the process so it can be helpful to have someone qualified to hold space for you whilst you go through the process.

A full vegetarian lunch and snacks will be provided all weekend to help nourish your body.

Please note no refunds will be offered - if the workshop does not go ahead on the specified date, enrolments will be transferred to another workshop date.

Final payments must be made no later than 6 weeks out from the workshop.