ONE88 is undergoing a metamorphos in December this year. As we get closer we will keep you updated.





All drums have been cleansed and blessed with Frankincense or Dragon’s Blood

Sacred Jasper

Size: 20 inch

Animal Connection: NA

Skin: Deer Skin

Adornments: Willow ring, Jasper stone, 

Colour/Patterning: White/tan 

Meaning: The journey for this drum focussed entirely on having the courage to forge your own path. There was a very clear message that although there may be a historical ‘way’ of doing something, there is always room for innovation. Honour those who have gone before but do not be afraid to put your own mark on something. Whilst making this baby there were a few breaks that occurred - these symbolise to me the breaking free of old systems and creating a new path. Also, not letting difficulties or mishaps getting in the way of your purpose. The stone is Picture Jasper which is has been historically considered a sacred stone. They were known as rain bringers, nurturers, healers and stones of courage. It has a deep connection to the earth and is useful in shamanic journeying. It also encourages initiative. This baby feels really good and the sound is stunning with a powerful resonance.

Reflection Drum

This baby is 20” Rosewood hoop, Goat skin dyed in Aubergine synthetic dye.

Whilst this drum was birthed last night, the process began last Saturday evening. I cut the face out when i prepped the skin for extra cord for the drum workshop last weekend.

Goat are surefooted, strong creatures. They are very adept at travelling rocky terrain, & remind us to maintain our balance. They are independent, determined & playful.

Rosewood symbolises a kind open heart. It helps to balance our spiritual & mental bodies. The red of rosewood sits at the core of the tree & as such rosewood assists us in getting to the heart of things. (

The colour Violet encourages introspection. The combination of red & blue to create violet represents the balance of physical & spiritual energies. It expands our awareness & imagination. It is powerful, encourages creativity & sensitivity.

I pulled the King of Wands card: Wisdom & kindness. He encourages listening so that you will learn, & when you learn you will love. He has high standards & leads by example. He asks us to see people as whole beings & to appreciate all their qualities. Quiet the mind, the heart, & listen.

This drum is asking us to reflect on how far we have come. To turn the gaze within & see ourselves as whole human beings. Astrologically there has been a huge shift with Pluto moving into Aquarius, then followed by the Full moon. Consider how you are coming into your power.

When we are in the trenches it can be hard to see the progress we have made. It is time to harvest your crops - what seeds of growth have you planted? The Full moon signifies illumination.

The back design is reflective of the interconnectedness of everything, the rings are our internal & external worlds. The cross of course representing the directions & is a sacred symbol.

This baby will be available next week when she is fully dry. @galleryone88finearts online shop, etsy or DM me. $999 

Solar Drum
19” Pine Hoop
Turmeric, Paprika & Coffee dyed Roo skin
This drum is a large roo (19”). It was soaked in Turmeric & then a quick Paprika bath to deepen the colour. There is also a small amount of coffee bean used to colour the wrap of the handle. This drum was rather insistent that it be birthed - eager to enter the world to do its work.

This drum is an homage to the early pre-christian drums, in particular - egyptian, sumerian, greek, indian - & is connected to the solar plexus.

The solar plexus is where your self-confidence & power is created. It creates your sense of purpose. It is connected to fire energy & the sun.
Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory. It has powerful anti-oxidants & is renowned as a natural healer. It is considered auspicious, sacred, & worn as an amulet to protect against evil spirits.

Paprika is sweet yet spicy, smokey & deep orange-red in colour. It is earthy & masculine & is considered to have healing properties. It enhances energy.

Coffee bean symbolises hard work, connection, & peace.

The cards that came through for this drum were King of Water (calm, contemplative, balanced critical & emotional thinker), 10 of earth (harmony in life, authenticity, reward) & Destiny (embrace your destiny, purpose, seek answers) - you can google the Dreams of Gaia for a full card explanation.

This drum is meant to aid the journey in finding & following your human & divine purpose. Working with it will help balance & restore energies. It feels strong in energy & power & has a deep resonant sound. It is rather light for a large drum which offers endurance. This drum has a masculine feel to it but is not only meant for men to work with - we all contain both masculine and feminine energies, each serving their own purpose.

Black cockatoo came to greet me & called to me this morning as i was photographing the drum. Black cockatoo represents the power of spirit in your life - a strengthening of your own spiritual power. Black cockatoo are liberating, creative & representative of the ancestors. They also are known to utilise drumming when courting their partners. 

The Changemaker

This baby’s birthing process began on the New Moon. There were very clear directions as to the purpose of this one. This drum was made with an activist in mind. Not necessarily directed in a particular direction of activism, however, there are words inscribed on the inside ‘we will not be silent’, respect, trust, safety, integrity, equity & love, & she was birthed during the 16 days of activism. The words to the song ‘We will not be silenced’ by Olivia Fern kept running through my mind.

This is a Deer skin dyed in Navy Blue Synthetic Fabric Dye framed on an 18 side timber frame.

Deer - messengers, gentle, attuned to their environment

18 - composed of the energies of both the number 1 and the number 8. The number 1 symbolizes new beginnings, leadership, & independence, while the number 8 represents abundance, success, and self-confidence. Together, these numbers create a powerful synergy that propels us towards manifesting prosperity & achieving our goals in all aspects of life.

Navy Blue - evokes feelings of authority, trustworthiness, confidence, professionalism, reliability, calming, concentration, mental clarity

New Moon - New beginnings, setting intentions for what you want to accomplish

Cards - the feminine cycle (9) - Remember who you are. Utilise the timing of your cycle to make the most of your roles

Coyote totem (16) - Come back to laughter, don’t get stuck in the seriousness of what you do

Grounding (29) - Ground yourself. When we are well grounded we open to receive information and can take care of ourselves and our community

Tiwaz (17) - Speaks of a strong character with a fighting spirit. Strong sense of justice.Brave, competitive, strong. Warrior archetype.

When i was photographing her, a lady bug was crawling over her - lady bugs are symbols of good luck, prosperity, divine protection, & good fortune.


Commission orders, drum painting and private drum making sessions are also available.


GalleryONE88 staff will be in contact once your purchase has been processed to organise pick up or delivery.  Please note artwork price does not include postage and handling.